The Holy Quran, Sura Al-Waqia - الواقعة
Ayah![]() |
1 إِذَا وَقَعَتِ الْوَاقِعَةُ When the Event inevitable cometh to pass, |
2 لَيْسَ لِوَقْعَتِهَا كَاذِبَةٌ Then will no (soul) entertain falsehood concerning its coming. |
3 خَافِضَةٌ رَّافِعَةٌ
(Many) will it bring low; (many) will it exalt; |
4 إِذَا رُجَّتِ الْأَرْضُ رَجّاً When the earth shall be shaken to its depths, |
5 وَبُسَّتِ الْجِبَالُ بَسّاً And the mountains shall be crumbled to atoms, |
فَكَانَتْ هَبَاء مُّنبَثّاً Becoming dust scattered abroad, |
7 وَكُنتُمْ أَزْوَاجاً ثَلَاثَةً And ye shall be sorted out into three classes. |
8 فَأَصْحَابُ
الْمَيْمَنَةِ مَا أَصْحَابُ الْمَيْمَنَةِ Then (there will be) the Companions of the Right Hand;- What will be the Companions of the Right Hand? |
9 وَأَصْحَابُ الْمَشْأَمَةِ مَا أَصْحَابُ
الْمَشْأَمَةِ And the Companions of the Left Hand,- what will be the Companions of the Left Hand? |
10 وَالسَّابِقُونَ السَّابِقُونَ And those Foremost (in Faith) will be Foremost (in the Hereafter). |